Stage Door News

Port Dover: “The Sweet Delilah Swim Club” begins at the Lighthouse Festival July 24

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Sweet Delilah Swim Club begins performance at the Lighthouse Festival on July 24.

Five Southern women, whose friendships began many years ago on their college swim team, set aside a long weekend every August to recharge those relationships. Free from husbands, kids, and jobs, they meet at the same beach cottage, the “Sweet Delilah” on North Carolina’s Outer Banks to catch up, laugh, and meddle in each other’s lives. 

As their lives unfold and the years pass, these women increasingly rely on one another, through advice and raucous repartee, to get through the challenges (men, sex, marriage, parenting, divorce, aging) that life flings at them. A hilarious and touching comedy about friendships that last forever…


This play feature’s adult themes and humour, including discussions of relationships, aging, and life changes, which may not be suitable for younger children. There is some mild language and innuendo that might be inappropriate for very young audiences.

The Sweet Delilah Swim Club

Written by

Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope & Jamie Wooten

Directed by

Jane Spence

Starring Debra Hale, Susan Henley, Susan JohnstonCollins, Jane Miller and Andrea Risk


Port Dover

Jul 24 - Aug 10

Lighthouse Theatre

Box Office Phone: 519-583-2221

Toll Free: 1-888-779-7703


Port Colborne

Aug 14 - Aug 25

Roselawn Theatre

Box Office Phone: 905-834-0833

Toll Free: 1-888-779-7703

For tickets visit