Stage Door News

Toronto: Tapestry Opera presents “Iron Chef d’Orchestre” on May 22

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Indulge in the dynamic Iron Chef d'Orchestre program of opera, improv, game show and more featuring Randy the Puppet, Jennifer Tung, Keith Klassen, Donna-Michelle St. Bernard, and Ivan Barbotin with a world premiere debuted by Krisztina Szabo!

 - What to expect -

 • Introductions: Keith Klassen and Randy the Puppet are your MCs for the evening.

 • World Premiere Piece (creation): Inspired by the LIBLAB, writer Donna-Michelle St. Bernard and composer Ivan Barbotin will collaborate with the audience on a short piece they will create during the show.

 • Improv-Opera: An improv opera singer creates a new opera aria and tasks the audience with filling in the blanks to complete the story.

 • Jennifer Tung showcases her lesser-heard self, playing and singing for the audience!

 • Melody in the Middle: Krisztina Szabó and Keith invite a special guest to the stage and challenge them to sing and act a piece they've never heard or seen.

 • Choose Your Own Operatic Adventure: An Opera Research & Development scientist introduces a new operatic prototype that may revolutionize opera enjoyment.

 • Which Word?: A game show of barely humorous homonyms that may leave you wondering, "What was the point of that?"

 • World Premiere Piece (performance): The evening ends with the presentation of Ivan and Donna-Michelle's new work, featuring Krisztina and Jennifer.

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